Mondays Matter
Closed. Waitlist for next intake now open.
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Mondays Matter in May Edition is an 8 week programme that uses protein sparing modified fast (PSMF) days to help accelerate fat loss within a diet that forms the foundation of your forever approach. This will be the last diet you ever need to go on.
Feeling deprived, hungry and restricted will be a thing of the past as you join hundreds of people in our programme that are making shifts in the way they look, feel and perform. This isn't just another meal plan. It is a comprehensive programme that encompasses education, community, an 8 week training programme and access to the best information and expert people in the business of physical and emotional transformation.
Over the course of the programme you will regain control around you food choices as you transform the way you eat, rather than letting your food control you.
The programme utilises key strategies to help get some quick wins, plus embed the strategies required to help you stay on track and find the right mix of food, meals and time restricted eating (TRE) that you can use long term to maintain your weight. Those strategies are:
Fasting without Feeling too Hungry
Protein sparing modified fasts (PSMF): Fasting is increasingly utilised as a tool to help drop body fat, however in some instances, there are concerns that the lower overall protein load in this scenario can cause accelerated muscle mass loss. Muscle is ESSENTIAL to preserving metabolic rate (i.e. the number of calories you burn every day to exist) and good amounts of muscle mass are associated with longevity. PSMF helps combine the best of both worlds. Maintain protein intake on these days, reduced caloric load on that day, accelerate fat loss BUT not feel too hungry. On these days, you will consume predominantly lean protein-based foods, minimum 30g at each meal. Based on your desired fat loss goal, you will do 2-5 PSMF days each fortnight.
Time Restricted Eating (TRE)
The only way to lose body fat, whichever way you spin it, is a calorie deficit. Regardless of whether you are keto, paleo, vegan or follow a consistently low calorie diet, anyone that successfully loses body fat does so because they burn more calories than they take in. Time restricted eating (TRE) of between 8-12 hours can allow you to regulate appetite hormones and stabilise blood sugar. As such, we eat between 8-9h on a PSMF day and on other days we keep to a 12h window (i.e. between 8am-8pm).
Diet Breaks
During the plan you will cycle through periods where I encourage you to eat MORE food, to eat 'off plan', to practice eating in maintenance. I'll explain more in subsequent information, but every fortnight we lift calories up (more carbohydrate and fat calories, along with a metabolic reset meal) to help regulate appetite and give you a psychological break from actively restricting calories. While people fear that this will stall fat loss, in fact the psychological break from dieting, combined with a 'reset' of appetite hormones, allows you to continue your fat loss plan for longer than you would otherwise.
Higher Protein to Support Fat Loss
Protein is a key nutrient to support fat loss - it takes longer to digest (keeping you fuller for longer), it regulates blood sugar levels (helping avoid cravings) and takes way more calories to digest than fat or carbohydrate - significant when creating a calorie deficit as every little bit counts. If in doubt, turn to (lean) protein.
An Abundance of Vegetables to Regulate Appetite
Our stomach has receptors that let us know we have eaten enough food when they are stimulated, and this is related to food volume. For some people, this is a more important regulator of appetite than for others. Most vegetables can be eaten freely without fear of overeating calories, and as such I encourage you to eat your fill at each meal to ensure you feel satisfied on non PSMF days. We will discuss which ones are best to fill up on.
Resistance training plan
An 8 week strength based plan created by Darren Ellis (who is our resident strengh training expert) is also included. Fat loss maintenance (and health and longevity) requires the preservation of muscle mass. Resistance training is THE way to build and preserve muscle, protecting your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is naturally reduced as you lose weight. Darren is also on hand to help support you throughout the eight weeks.
Mondays Matter Workbook
This includes all of your go-to information, including meal plans, shopping lists, discount codes, suggested brands/items and supplements and FAQ related to Mondays Matter.
Mondays Matter Journal
A journal to track your progress along the 8 weeks, including your non-scale victories, sleep, exercise, mood, energy, and a place to keep notes from Zoom calls and favourite recipes/meals.
Advanced Preparation to Save Time
Tips for advance preparation, and cook once, eat twice meals - so while some preparation is key, you're not always in the kitchen.
Contact, Community and Accountability
Weekly emails, ability to message me 24/7 ( I see and respond to all of these) and zoom sessions (that will be recorded and available) with me to help support you for the eight weeks.
What my members are saying
Micalla, I am absolutely grateful for this plan. It’s working for me in terms of satiety, weight loss and not even wanting to binge. Nothing is ever going to be perfect but I am just so bloody happy I chose this and I am positive I will continue to succeed.
Thank you! 🥰🙏
Becks TI’ve been weighing on Friday, so today was my final weigh-in for the first round - I’ve lost 9kg in the 8 weeks! Complete fasting has never worked for me, but I find the PSMF days really easy (almost easier than the “normal” days). On the non- PSMF days I’m much more mindful of what I’m eating and what will make me feel good. I’ve cut a lot of dairy and gluten out of my diet too, which I think has made a really big difference. Thanks so much for this plan, Mikki! I’m feeling so much better, more energy - just more “myself” again.
Lauren DEight weeks of Monday Matters is done and dusted and I am so grateful I committed to this program! It was very overwhelming for the first couple of weeks but the support here and from Mikki Williden, PhD has enabled me to make good progress. I've lost 8.2kilos... but gained so much more! 🎉. I promised myself if I got under 80 kilos then I would buy myself some fancy tights etc. Very slim fitting for me but I'll be confidently rocking them, not because I'm slimmer but because I know I put the mahi in to get here.
NgaireNever before have I followed a plan that I don’t weigh at the start and I haven’t weighed at the end of 8 weeks…..I have absolutely no idea how much weight I’ve lost, that feels cool…like it’s taking it away from the number on the scale making it more about my health & wellbeing, quite powerful! I do know I was squeezing out of my size 12’s heading towards my size 14’s, now I’m comfortable in my 8-10’s and still going strong, as in I’m not feeling like “right 8 weeks is done, it’s now (traditionally) self-sabotage time!!! That for me is…..”Life Changing”
Pania PI got myself some new clothes as a reward for sticking to the 8 weeks. Today I'm wearing them as I'm so proud of myself! And hey jeans are looser than when I brought them a month ago! Well done to all you peeps who have worked SO hard and thank you all for your daily inspiration. This 8 weeks has been literally life changing for me x Mikki Williden Real Food Nutrition
Rachel MWhat You Get
Structured Meal + training plan
Online System
Shopping Lists and Recipes
Support and Help
How it Works
Step 1
Sign up to Monday's matter and get instant access to your own online meal planning account with my web and mobile apps.
Step 2
Apply the Monday's Matter meal plan to your calendar, print the shopping list and recipes and start.
Step 3
Follow the plan, ask me questions for personalised support, feel better and build confidence that you can maintain a healthier lifestyle long term.
Online Features

Web and Mobile Apps
Get access to your own meal planning calendar using our web and mobile apps to easily follow your plan and track your progress.
100's of recipes
There are hundreds of nutritious recipes to choose from that are used in the meal plans but also available for you to search and use whenever you like.
Chat with Me
I'm available for you to ask questions directly from inside the web application using the chat box. Ask me anything
Mondays Matter Shreduary Edition
Stay on track with the tools and knowledge you need to maintain your weight long term .
All pricing is in NZ Dollars

Mondays Matter
Eight weeks for a single payment of NZD$199
- 24/7 nutrition coaching from degree-qualified nutritionists
- 8 week meal plan outlining all meals + shopping lists
- 8 week strength based training programme
- Workbook incorporating all guidelines
- Journal allowing you to track your progress
- Zoom calls each fortnight
- Eight weeks access to the portal, including over 900 recipes and meal planning technology to plan meals outside of the Monday's Matter plan
- Members only Facebook group
- Android and iOs Apps
Contact Mikki: 0212233239
The information provided via this website (and plans) is not
intended to diagnose or treat any illness or any other medical conditions. Please
discuss with your doctor if you have any concerns regarding embarking on a plan
on overall health outcomes. The recommendations I provide are based on a
minimal amount of information, and therefore cannot be substituted for an
individual consultation. No guarantee can be provided regarding the outcome of
following the advice provided.