Half Price on all Fixed Length Memberships


Confused about what to eat?

Don't have time to research what's healthy and what's not?

There is a lot of information out there about healthy eating, some of it good, some of it not so good. How do you know which advice you should take and which you should ignore? Everyone lives busy lives and sometimes we just don't have the time to figure out what we should be eating and feeding our families.

I understand your challenges

If any of these problems sound familiar then this plan is for you;

  • You are confused by the overload of information online about healthy eating.
  • You know you need to plan more, but don't have time to put together a meal plan week-to-week and just want a simple yet convenient plan to take the stress away.
  • You think most health food is boring and need ideas for healthy nutrient-dense recipes.
  • You have a fear of gaining weight from eating more food, even if it's healthy.

What my members are saying

I came to Mikki pretty confused about what I should be eating, having transitioned to LCHF but not seeing the results that I should have. She helped me cut out the “noise” of all the info out there, and has guided me to healthy, sustainable and enjoyable eating. I’m feeling better than I have for some time and am seeing good health results with gradual weight loss too. The Fitgenes test was eye opening and has been a big part of getting on the right path. Love the online eating plans too! Mikki, you’re always encouraging and supportive…thank you!


Probably one of the best things about Mikki's programme is that you not only eat better but you learn so much and become so much more aware of why you eat things, and also why the timing of eating can be important to optimise your results.  I love that Mikki gives amazing email replies - I always feel as though she has a real interest in me specifically, and I'm not just a number or someone who pays her bills

Flo - Ironman Athlete

I joined Mikki’s online community when it was first established, not only is she a wealth of knowledge - her recipes, shopping lists and meal plans are all easy to follow, time saving and best of all delicious. I recommend it to anyone looking to improve their health or even to gain some variety in the kitchen. Thanks Mikki for all your help, continue doing and making amazing things.


What My Plans Can do for You

Structured Meal Plan

I've done all the thinking so you don't have to. My plans are based on 15 years experience in helping people achieve their health goals. My meal plans are practical food solutions to fit into "real life" utilising normal foods that are readily available and budget-friendly.

Online System

Access to our comprehensive web and mobile apps so you can follow your meal plan and track your progress all at the touch of a finger. Apps for Android and iPhone devices.

 Shopping Lists and Recipes

All the plans include a comprehensive shopping list to make it easy to stay organised. Each meal is linked to the online recipe that you can follow on your phone or print out for the kitchen.

Support and Help

Personalised support and help from me, a PhD qualified nutritionist. Ask me anything directly from the web app or join our weekly live Facebook events.

How it Works

Step 1

Sign up to one of our plans and get instant access to your own online meal planning account with my web and mobile apps.

Step 2

Apply the structured monthly meal plan to your calendar, print the shopping list and recipes and start eating well.

Step 3

Follow the plan, ask me questions for personalised support, feel better and build confidence that you can maintain a healthier lifestyle long term.

Online Features

Web and Mobile Apps

Get access to your own meal planning calendar using our web and mobile apps to easily follow your plan and track your progress.

100's of recipes

There are hundreds of nutritious recipes to choose from that are used in the meal plans but also available for you to search and use whenever you like.

Chat with Me

I'm available for you to ask questions directly from inside the web application using the chat box. Ask me anything

A Plan That Suits You Best

Pick the plan that best suits your lifestyle and your budget. All pricing is in New Zealand Dollars.

More Awesome


12 Weeks for single payment of $79 $39.50

  •  24/7 nutrition coaching from degree-qualified nutritionists 
  •  a 28 day meal plan each month (breakfast/lunch for an individual, dinner is for 2 with leftovers)
  •  Gluten free, whole food meal plans incorporating foods with low human interference
  •  Shopping lists
  •  Recipes, articles and tips
  •  Meal Planning Tools
  •  Members only Facebook group
  •  Android and iOs Apps

More Awesome Athlete 


12 Weeks for single payment of $99 $44.50

  •  Athlete specific nutrition
  •  24/7 nutrition coaching from degree-qualified nutritionists 
  •  a 28 day athlete meal plan each month (breakfast/lunch for an individual, dinner is for 2 with leftovers)
  •  Gluten free, whole food meal plans incorporating foods with low human interference
  •  Shopping lists
  •  Recipes, articles and tips
  •  Meal Planning Tools
  •  Members only Facebook group
  •  Android and iOs Apps

The Flow Plan and the Man Plan


8 Weeks for single payment of $99 $44.50

  •  Fat loss plan specifically designed for either men or women
  •  24/7 nutrition coaching from degree-qualified nutritionists 
  •  8 week fat loss plan incorporating the 5:2 approach to food
  •  LIfestyle, exercise and well-being goals to support sustainable fat loss
  •  Gluten free, whole food meal plans incorporating foods with low human interference
  •  Shopping lists
  •  Recipes, articles and tips
  •  Meal Planning Tools
  •  Members only Facebook group
  •  Android and iOs Apps


Keto Longevity Plan 


8 Weeks for single payment of $80 $40

  •  A  5 day, calorically restricted ketogenic diet protocol designed to be followed once per month
  •  24/7 nutrition coaching from degree-qualified nutritionists 
  •  Choose one of three plans based on your current caloric intake
  •  Utilises a time restricted eating (TRE) window to maximise opportunity for ketone production.
  •  Includes foods and beverages that have a ketogenic effect in the body
  •  Eight weeks access to the portal, including over 400 recipes and meal planning technology to plan meals outside of the ketogenic longevity plan
  •  Shopping list for the Ketogenic Longevity Plan
  •  Members only Facebook group
  •  Android and iOs Apps

Contact Mikki: 0212233239


The information provided via this website (and plans) is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness or any other medical conditions. Please discuss with your doctor if you have any concerns regarding embarking on a plan on overall health outcomes. The recommendations I provide are based on a minimal amount of information, and therefore cannot be substituted for an individual consultation. No guarantee can be provided regarding the outcome of following the advice provided.